目的检测无细胞百日咳疫苗生产用菌种CMCC58003(简称CMCC58003)的Fim2、Fim3抗原成分。方法运用玻片凝集试验法进行检测。结果现有5个批次CMCC58003的Fim2、Fim3抗原成分的玻片凝集试验均为阳性。结论 5个批次CMCC58003的Fim2、Fim3抗原成分的血清学检测结论为合格。
Objective To analyze Fim2 and Fim3 antigen components in bacterial seed CMCC58003 which is used to produce aP vaccine. Method Glass slide agglutination test is used to analysis. Result Glass slide agglutination test shows current 5 batches of CMCC58003 seeds are all Fim2 and Fim3 antigen-positive. Conclusion Fim2 and Fire3 antigen component in 5 batches of bacterial seeds CMCC58003 are qualified in Serological analysis test.
Occupational Health and Damage