
维-汉双语词句阅读顺序对阅读速度的影响 被引量:3

The Effect of Uyghur-Chinese Phrase and Sentence Reading Order on Reading Speed
摘要 该研究通过采用维-汉两种语言不同书写顺序呈现的词组和句子为实验材料,考察其对维-汉双语者阅读加工速度的影响,为了解维-汉语阅读加工的规律,推动西部双语教学提供科学依据。研究结果表明:(1)在词组水平,对维语的加工速度显著快于汉语,顺意阅读的加工速度要显著快于逆意,按加工速度的快慢顺序为:维语顺意,维语逆意,汉语顺意和汉语逆意词组;(2)在句子水平,维-汉语之间的加工速度无差异显著,但顺意加工速度要显著快于逆意阅读,其快慢顺序为:维语顺意,汉语顺意,汉语逆意和维语逆意句子。这表明词组与句子水平的阅读顺序在不同语言对阅读速度有不同的影响。 The present study examined the effect of different orders of phrase and sentence on Uyghur - Chinese bilinguals' reading speed for promoting bilingual teaching in the west region of China. The results showed( 1 ) on phrase level, speed of processing Uyghur phrases was faster than Chinese phrases. The speed of reading correct order phrases was faster than reading reverse order phrases. In the light of processing speed,the reading speed of Uyghur phrase with correct order was fastest; the second was Uyghur phrase' s one with reverse order;the third was Chinese phrase' s one with correct order;the forth was Chinese phrase' s one with reverse order. (2)on sentence level,there was not difference between processing speed of Uyghur and Chinese sentences, but the speed of reading correct order sentences was faster than reading reverse order sentences. According to processing speed, the processing Uyghur sentence with correct presenting order was fastest;the second was Chinese sentence with correct order;the third was Chinese sentence with correct presenting order;the forth was Uyghur sentence with reverse presenting order. The conclusion was there were different effects between reading orders of phrase and sentence with different languages on reading speed.
出处 《心理学探新》 CSSCI 2013年第1期34-37,共4页 Psychological Exploration
基金 国家基础科学人才培养基金(J1103601 J1210048) 2011中央高校基本科研业务专项资金项目资助
关键词 维-汉双语信息加工 阅读顺序 阅读速度 Uyghur - Chinese phrase and sentence processing reading order reading speed
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