
诗歌I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud的功能文体学分析

诗歌I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud的功能文体学分析
摘要 华兹华斯是19世纪英国浪漫主义诗人,"湖畔派"的代表人物,他的名作《我似一朵孤云独自游》是浪漫主义诗歌中的代表作。前人多从文学的角度来分析这首诗的主题,而本文从语言学的角度,以系统功能语言学的理论为基础,从功能文体学的角度在宏观和微观两个层次上分析华兹华斯的诗歌I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud,首先探讨了诗的语域、语境、语法隐喻,然后在微观层面上探讨诗中的词汇特征、音韵特征、诗句及物性和人际功能及它们对实现全诗意义的作用。 William Wordsworth is a romantic British poet in the 19th century. He is also a leading figure in "Lake School", whose masterpiece I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud is a famous poem in romantic poetry. Most previous studies appreciate the poem from the perspective of literature, while this paper, based on systemic function in linguistics, studies the poem by William Wordsworth at the macro level, through register, context, grammatical metaphor. The other analysis at the micro level concerns lexical and phonological features, transitivity, interpersonal function and their contribution to the meaning of the poem.
作者 涂志凤
出处 《英语广场(学术研究)》 2013年第3期39-40,共2页 English Square
关键词 功能文体学 语法隐喻 及物性 functional stylistics grammatical metaphor transitivity
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  • 8///"Come to the edge,"/he said / they said, / "We are afraid," ///"Come to the edge, "/he said / they came, / He pushed them ... and they flew///









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