
磷、钾肥施用位置对夏玉米苗期生长发育的影响 被引量:13

The effects of phosphate and potassium fertilizer placement on growth of summer maize seedling
摘要 为了探明磷、钾肥对夏玉米苗期生长的位置效应,提高肥料利用效率,通过盆栽试验,探讨了磷、钾肥施用位置对夏玉米苗期干物质累积、养分吸收、根系生长的影响,施肥位置包括种子侧方5 cm、种子侧方10 cm、种子下方5 cm、种子下方10 cm,共4个处理。结果表明,磷肥施用距离对夏玉米苗期生长有较为明显的影响,磷肥近距离施用能够促进玉米根系生长和养分吸收,提高干物质累积量;磷肥施用方位(侧方和下方)对夏玉米苗期生长无明显影响。钾肥不同施用位置对夏玉米苗期干物质累积量和根系长度无明显影响,但对植株根系干重和植株含钾量有一定影响,钾肥近距离施用有减少钾素吸收的趋势。此结果对于玉米苗期的磷、钾养分管理具有一定的指导作用,但是磷、钾肥施用位置对夏玉米整个生育期的影响还有待于进一步研究。 Pot experiments were conducted to discuss the effects of phosphate and potassium fertilizer placement on growth of summer maize seedling and improve utilization efficiency of P & K fertilizer. The fertilization placements included the seed side 5 cm, seed side 10 cm, seed below 5 em, and seed below 10 em. The result showed there had a significant effect of P and K fertilizer placement on dry matter accumulation, nutrient uptake, and root growth of summer maize. To the experiment soil, the distance between P fertilizer and seed significantly affect the summer maize seedling growth. The distance of the phosphate fertilizer and seeds was closer, the longer the root length, the greater the amount of dry matter accumulation and the more nu- trient uptake. The application orientation of phosphorus fertilizer, seed side and seed below, had not significant influence on maize growth. K fertilizer placement had not a significant effect on dry matter accumulation and root length of maize seedling, but had a slight impact on plant potassium content and root dry weight. The treatment which K fertilizer was closer to seed not only failed to promote the trend of K uptake but also reduce K uptake. The results of this experiment provide some guidance to nutrient management of P & K on summer maize seeding stage, but the effect of P & K fertilizer placement on the whole growth period of summer maize needs further study.
出处 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期53-58,共6页 Soil and Fertilizer Sciences in China
基金 国家科技支撑计划项目(2008BADA4B03)
关键词 磷肥 钾肥 施用位置 夏玉米 苗期生长 phosphate fertilizer potassium fertilizer fertilization placement summer maize seedling growth
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