

On the International Geopolitics and Oil Strategy Game
摘要 石油在现代国家中的重要地位,导致了以石油为核心的地缘政治的兴起和各国在石油地缘政治区域的博弈。第二次世界大战结束后,以争夺石油为目标的局部地区斗争从未停息。在石油利益的驱使下,美国、中国和欧盟等大型能源消耗体为争夺石油展开了激烈竞争。产油国也利用自身能源地缘政治优势不同程度地提升了自己的国际地位。在未来,石油的开采范围将进一步扩大,不管是在深海里还是在陆地上,对于石油的争夺会更加激烈,新的国际地缘政治格局也将发生重大变化。 The importance role of the oil for nowadays modern countries leading oil as the core of the rise of geopolitics and regional resource competitive game. After the World War Ⅱ, regional conflict which in order to contend for oil has never ceased. Driven by the interests that oil brings, large energy consumers such as USA, China and the European Union launched fierce competition scramble for oil. As the same time, oil producers used their own energy geopolitical advantage to improve in different degrees the international status of themselves. In the future, the area of exploitation will be further expanded, whether in the deep see or on the land, the competition for oil will certainly get intense. In the meantime, international geopolitical pattern will be major changed.
作者 谭书佳
出处 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期78-83,共6页 Journal of Hunan University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
关键词 地缘政治 石油 资源 战略 geopolitics oil resource strategy
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