计算机视频信号处理中需要存储一帧电视图象信号,其特点是容量大,读写速率高。为了能用低速MOS DRAM存储芯片构成帧存储器,需将存储器分组,并在外部设置高速输入缓存,同时采用目前非常流行的可编程逻辑器件XC9572 CPLD实现全部外围电路,以提高速度及可靠性。
It is necessary to save a frame TV image in computer image processing. For the purpose of realizing TV frame memory using ordinary lower speed MOS DRAM chip, it needs to divide memory into several groups and set outer high speed input_registers . Also for improving working rate and reliability, here design the outer circuit with XC9572 CPLD.
Inner Mongolia Radio & TV Broadcast Engineering