
加拿大北极争端的历史、现状与前景 被引量:8

A Probe into the History, Current Situation and Prospect of Canadian Arctic Disputes
摘要 冷战结束之后,北极不再是美俄对峙的前沿。而随着全球气候变暖,北极地区的冰盖加速融化,北极军事、航运、资源潜力得以凸现,目前的北极又再次成为各国的利益争夺点。加拿大是北极地区最重要的国家之一,它拥有世界上最长的海岸线,且大部分位于北极地区。一个边界明确、稳定、有序的北极地区,才符合加拿大的国家利益。而通过协商的方式和平解决北极争端,为加拿大的发展营造了有利的周边国际环境,从而也为其他国家解决极地争端提供了经验教训。 With the end of the Cold War, the Arctic is no longer the frontline of confrontation between the United States and Russia. As global warming accelerates melting of the Arctic ice caps, the military, shipping and energy potentials of this area emerge. The Arctic, once again, becomes the area of interests which some countries scrambling for. Canada is one of the most important countries in the Arctic with the longest coastline in the world, and most of which is located in the arctic region. This essay, based on the history review of Canadian arctic disputes, summarizes the experiences of its success and failure, and analyzes the current situation and prospect of the Arctic disputes of Canada. It makes clear that a stable and orderly arctic region with explicit boundary accords with Canada’s national interest. Meanwhile, resolving the Arctic disputes in a consultative way creates a favorable international atmosphere for Canada’s development, and offers lessons for other countries to settle the disputes concerning the polar region.
作者 叶静
出处 《武汉大学学报(人文科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第2期115-121,129,共7页 Wuhan University Journal (Humanity Sciences)
基金 国家海洋局国际合作司(港澳台办公室)和中国极地研究中心联合项目(QY201201-07)
关键词 加拿大 北极 主权争端 Canada the Arctic sovereignty disputes
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