Objective:To investigate the comparability between Beckman DXI800 immunoassay system and Bi- omerieux VIDAS inmmnoassay analyzer in determining troponin I (TNI) and myoglobin (MYO), and provide basis for mutual recognition of determination results and clinical laboratory accreditation. Methods : Beckman DXI800 im- mune system as the reference method ( X), the bioMerieux VIDAS immune analyzer as test method ( Y), the fresh serum from patients with different coneentrations was collected for detection of TNI and MYO. The correlation coeffi- cient (r) and the linear regression equation of TNI and MYO tested by the two analysis system were calculated for their expected error at medical decisions. Results : The correlation coefficients of TNI and MYO measured by the two instruments were 〉 0. 975, and bias were both in clinical permissible range. Conclusion: When using two or more detection systems to analyze the same project, method comparison and bias estimation can ensure the comparability of measurement results. The two immunoassay analyzers in this paper have good comparability to detect the concen- trations of TNI and MYO.
Chinese Journal of Health Laboratory Technology