
商业方法可专利性判断标准研究 被引量:5

Research on Judgment Standard for Patentability of Business Method
摘要 商业方法发明在20世纪九十年代之后,逐渐成为专利法的研究对象,是否将商业方法纳入可专利客体范围,其判断标准和原则如何界定,世界各国和地区有着较明显的差异。世界各国和地区可以分为以实际应用为主导和以技术特征为主导的两种类型的商业方法可专利性判断标准。在完善我国商业方法可专利判断标准方面,应当强化我国的技术特征要件,引入"机器或转换"测试方法和"先占"概念,不建议过早进入新颖性和创造性判断,同时应当完善功能和效果限定审查原则。 Commerce method inventions have gradually become the research object of the patent law after 1990s.There are obvious differences in whether the business method is incorporated into the range of patentable object and how to define the judgment standard and principles in all countries and regions around the world.These countries and regions can be categories of two types: emphasize practical application or emphasize technical features.In the matter of improving and pefecting judgment standard for patentability of business method of our country,the elements to strengthen the technical features in China are proposed and the 'machine or transformation 'test method and 'preempt'concept are introduced.It is better recommended to earlier introduce the suggestions for novelty and creative judgment,and review principles for improving the function and effect.
作者 陈健
出处 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期45-58,162,共14页 Jinan Journal(Philosophy and Social Sciences)
关键词 商业方法 专利 可专利性 机器或转换 技术特征 business methods patent patentability machine or transformation technical features
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  • 4See USPTO White Paper - Automated Financial or Management Data Processing Methods(Business Methods), http://WWW.uspto, gov/weh/menu/husmethp.
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  • 8See 149F. 3d 1368(Fed. Cir. 1998).
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  • 10See 425 U. S. 219 (1976).












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