为了解决线阵CCD的彩色拼接型高精度一次性成像宽幅扫描仪中,扫描信息出现彩色边缘现象。首先分析确定运动精度对光学成像的影响,提出改进方法,设计高细分电机驱动电路配合高精度行星减速步进电机,并安装使用验证了可行性,通过MATLAB定量验证改善效果。在光学分辨率1 200 DPI,扫描速度2.54 cm/s扫描条件下,彩色边缘到+1/-1像素范围内,扫描信息彩色边缘现象得以有效解决,解决了国产宽幅扫描仪市场化的重要难题之一。据我们所知,成功解决高精度扫描仪扫描信息边缘的彩色边缘现象,并实用化此方法,国内未见报道。
In order to solve the phenomenon of color edge in the optical imaging scan information based on multiple linear CCD camera in splicing, high-resolution, one-off imaging large format scanner, firstly, the impact of kinematics precision on optical imaging was analyzed and targeted at some kinds of ways in normal use, improvement methods were given. Secondly, the high subdivision motor driver circuit combined with high-precision planetary reducer stepper motor was designed to fix on it. Then quantitative calculation by MATLAB was used to confirm the method. Under the condition of optical resolution up to 1 200 DPI(dot/inch) and scanning speed up to 2.54 cm/s scanning, the pixel of color edge can be controlled in +1/-1 pixel, image edge phenomenon can be effectively solved, thus one of the great challenges in marketization application of large-format scanner made in China was successfully solved. As far as we know, the solution of high-resolution color edge phenomenon of the scan information with high quality has neither been reported home used in product in large scale.
Chinese Journal of Electron Devices