目的:探究人性化护理在妇产科护理工作中的重要性,以及其在临床护理领域中的价值。方法:将 2011 年 3 月至 2012 年 3 月住院施行分娩 200 例初产妇作的临床资料作为分析对象、任意把这 100 例产妇划分为两个小组。对比组接受常规基础护理,实验组在接受常规基础护理的前提下,结合产妇的实际情况及潜在需求来施行科学合理的人性化护理。结果:对比组有 60 例获得自然分娩,占总数的 60%,其余 40 例施行剖宫产,占总数的 40%;而实验组有 84 例获得自然分娩,占总数的 84%,只有 16 需要施行剖宫产,占总数的 16%。两个小组之间接受剖宫产的机率存在显著统计学上的差异,其中 P<0.05。对比组产妇在分娩时的平均出血量为(200±62.8)ml,实验组为(162±64.4)ml。结论:实施人性化护理,能够在塑造医护人员良好职业形象的同时,提高了妇产科护理人员的服务理念,深化了护理服务的本质,患者的满意率得到提高。
Objective: To investigate the importance of humanistic nursing m obstetric care ana its application value in Cllmcal nursing. Methods: 200 primiparas were randomly divided into two groups, 100 in each group. The control group was given basic nursing, while the treated group was given humanistic nursing more according to the practical situations of the primiparas. Results: 60 women gave spontaneous delivery in the control group, compared with 84 women in the treated group, with significant differences. Conclusion: Humanistic nursing was helpful in setting up good professional imagination and enhancing the service concepts of nursing staff in the department of gynaecology and obstetrics.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine