为探究过表达云南红梨bHLH转录因子对烟草抗盐性的影响,从红梨红色果皮中分离了bHLH转录因子基因PybHLH.亚细胞定位表明PybHLH蛋白定位于细胞核.以转基因PybHLH烟草和野生型烟草为材料,进行了NaCl胁迫对转基因PybHLH烟草生理生化影响研究及其相关酶基因的表达分析.表明PybHLH转基因烟草具有一定的耐盐性,一方面表现为随着盐胁迫时间延长,PybHLH转基因烟草中总可溶性糖、可溶性总蛋白和游离脯氨酸含量的增加,H2O2含量降低;另一方面表现为脯氨酸生物合成关键酶基因P5CS、抗氧化相关基因MnSOD、CuZn-SOD和POD、胁迫相关基因HSP和HSP cherpron和ABA抗盐信号途径基因NAC等均呈上调表达趋势.PybHLH的过表达提高了烟草的耐盐性,这将为进一步研究植物的耐盐机制及耐盐植物新品种的开发奠定基础.
In order to study the effect of overexpression of PybHLH transcription factor in tobacco on its resis- tance to NaCt, PybHLH gene was isolated from red peel of Yunan Red Pear. PybHLH protein localized in the nucleus. Both the transgenic tobacco and the wild type were treated with NaCl. The effect of NaCl stress to their physiological and biochemical characteristics and expression profilings of the related enzymes genes were ana- lyzed. The results showed that there was some NaCl resistance in PybHLH transgenic tabacco. On one hand, with the increase of NaCl treatment time, total soluble protein, total soluble sugar and proline contents in- creased, while H2O2 decreased; on the other hand, proline biosynthesis related gene P5CS, antioxidant related genes MnSOD, CuZnSOD and POD, stress related genes HSP and HSP cheperon, ABA signal pathway related gene NAC were all upregnlated. These indicated that ovcrexpression of PybHLH in tabacco enhanced its NaCl tolerance, which will provide foundations for further study on the mechanism of plant NaCl resistance and de- velopment of new cultivars with salt-resistance.
Life Science Research