为查找一起现场资料不全的110 kV线路保护误动故障原因,采用录波分析、短路计算、回路分析、模拟实验等手段进行综合故障分析,发现发生单相故障时N600回路被叠加入某一电压,由此引起中性点发生位移,造成电压采样不正确导致保护拒动和误动,并提出了整改和防范措施。
In order to find reasons of an 110 kV line protection malfunction without sufficient field data,the analysis of wave recording, calculation of short current, analysis of circuit, and test of simulation are used to analyze comprehensively the fault. It is found that a voltage was added in N600 circuit during the single phase fault,and thus led to the neutral-point displacement,which caused the incorrect voltage sample and the malfunction of protection. Modification and precautionary measures are proposed.
Guangxi Electric Power