目的:观察椎管内注射眼镜蛇毒najanalgesin对大鼠L5脊神经结扎并剪断(spinalnerve ligation and transection,SNL)术后脊髓谷氨酸-天冬氨酸转运体GLAST(glutamate-asparate transporter,GLAST)mRNA表达的影响,探讨najanalgesin脊髓镇痛机制。方法:采用L5SNL模拟神经病理性疼痛,von Frey hair测定大鼠术侧后足50%机械刺激撤足反射阈值(50%paw withdrawal threshold,PWT)判断模型成功,real-time PCR检测SNL 7 d后脊髓L4-L6GLAST mRNA表达。结果:SNL诱导大鼠产生了机械痛敏,表现为50%机械刺激PWT降低,模型复制成功。SNL 7 d后脊髓GLAST mRNA表达降低,椎管内给予najanalgesin剂量相关上调SNL大鼠脊髓GLAST mRNA的表达。结论:Najanalgesin可以增加脊髓GLAST mRNA的表达,可能是其脊髓镇痛机制之一。
Objective: To investigate the effect of intrathecal administration of najanalgesin on mRNA of glutamate-asparate transporters (GI,AST) in spinal cord of rats after 1,5 spinal nerve ligation and transaction (SNL), and Io explore the spinal analgesic mechanism of najanalgesin. Methods: An L5 SNL model was sel up, and lhe 50% paw withdrawal threshold (PWT) was detected by yon Frey hair to evaluate the replication of animal model. The mRNAs of GLAST in the IA-L6 segments of the spinal cord of SNL rats after 7days were determined by real-time PCR. Results: Mechanical hyperalgesia was induced after SNL with decreased 50% PWT, indicating that the L5 SNL animal model was successfully replicated. The level of GLAST mRNA was decreased after 7 d of SNL. lntrathecal administration of najanalgesin could dose- dependently upregulate the expression of GLAST mRNA in spinal after SNL. Conclusion: Najanalgesin can increase the expression of GLAST mRNA in spinal cord, which may be one of its mechanisms in spinal analgesia.
Pharmaceutical and Clinical Research