Tsinghua Science and Technology ( Tsinghua Sci Technol), an academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University, is published bimonthly. This journal aims at presenting the up-to-date scientific achievements with high creativity and great significance in computer and electronic engineering. Contributions all over the world are welcome. Tsinghua Sci Technol is indexed by IEEE Xplore, Engineering index (El, USA), INSPEC, SA, Cambridge Abstract and other abstracting indexes. Manuscripts are selected for publication according to the editorial assessment of their suitability and evaluation from independent reviewers. Papers are usually sent to two or more reviewers including one reviewer out of China. Editorial staff will edit accepted papers to improve accuracy and clarity and shorten, if necessary. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Manuscript preparation Manuscript (based on Word or LaTex) should be in English and typed on only one side of A4 paper with double space. The electronic manuscript should be sent to the editorial board by.
Tsinghua Science and Technology ( Tsinghua Sci Technol), an academic journal sponsored by Tsinghua University, is published bimonthly. This journal aims at presenting the up-to-date scientific achievements with high creativity and great significance in computer and electronic engineering. Contributions all over the world are welcome. Tsinghua Sci Technol is indexed by IEEE Xplore, Engineering index (El, USA), INSPEC, SA, Cambridge Abstract and other abstracting indexes. Manuscripts are selected for publication according to the editorial assessment of their suitability and evaluation from independent reviewers. Papers are usually sent to two or more reviewers including one reviewer out of China. Editorial staff will edit accepted papers to improve accuracy and clarity and shorten, if necessary. It is a condition of publication that manuscripts submitted to this journal have not been published and will not be simultaneously submitted or published elsewhere. Manuscript preparation Manuscript (based on Word or LaTex) should be in English and typed on only one side of A4 paper with double space. The electronic manuscript should be sent to the editorial board by.