
论朱子“知言疑义”与胡五峰《知言》之义理特色 被引量:2

On the Philosophical Implications of ZHU Xi's "Questioning Understanding the Word" and HU Wu-feng's Understanding the Word
摘要 鉴于自牟宗三先生提出胡五峰为宋明儒学中与程朱、陆王鼎足为三,而且是继承北宋以明道为中心之儒学的嫡传,而一般评论朱子之"《知言》疑义"一文,多未能切中此中五峰之义理,与朱子、张南轩之不同义理系统与对儒学之诠释,因此,就朱子之"《知言》疑义"析论胡五峰之核心义理,与朱子对所引五峰文献之批评,以及张南轩在此论述中的表现,研究基本上是就宋明儒学两大传统进行一内部对话式的分析。文中疏释五峰被质疑之文献,见出五峰之学主要是根于明道,但用语则更偏向伊川。而五峰立性为天下之大本,主"尽心成性"之义,实集北宋四家之哲学义理之大成,确能盛发北宋,特别是明道之学,是代表北宋儒学的嫡传。至于朱子之疑义,主要是根据中和新说之后的观点,对五峰之学与中和旧说的反省,行文时有立场不同之批评,亦有误解不谛之处。 According to MOU Zong-san, there are three systems in the Song and Ming Neo-Confucianism: the system of Cheng brothers and ZHU Xi, the system of LU Xiang-shan and WANG Yang-ming and the system of HU Wu-feng. Mou traces the lineage of HU to Cheng Ming Dao. In his comments on ZHU Xi's "Questioning Understanding the Word," Mou did not capture the core of Hu's philosophy, nor was he able to distinguish HU's interpretation of Confucianism from that of Zhuxi's and ZHANG Nan-xuan's. Based on ZHU Xi's "Questioning Understanding the Word," I will in this paper try to provide an interpretation of HU Wu-feng's thought and I will also analyze ZHU Xi' s criticism of HU Wu-feng' s text and ZHANG Nan-xuan' s attitude during this debate. In this sense, this paper can be viewed as an analysis of the internal dialogue between the two great traditions within Neo-Confucianism. I will show that HU's philosophy is akin to CHENG Ming-dao's, though his verbal expressions resemble those of CHENG Yi-chuan. According to Hu, xing is the primary substance of the universe. He promotes the idea of "developing one's mind-heart to achieve the xing." As a synthesis of all four major thinkers of the Northern Song, Hu's thought fully developed their central ideas, especially those of CHENG Ming-dao. He inherited the true spirit of the Northern Song Neo-Confucianism. ZHU Xi's reflection on the old theory of zhonghe is made from the standpoint of the new theory. His critique is in the main external rather than internal, and in many places missed the targets.
作者 李瑞全
出处 《深圳大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期24-44,共21页 Journal of Shenzhen University:Humanities & Social Sciences
关键词 胡宏 朱子 张栻 《知言》 "《知言》疑义" 牟宗三 HU Hong ZHU Zi Zhang Shi Understanding Words "Questioning Understanding Words" M0U Zong-san
  • 相关文献


  • 1《胡宏的生平,著作及其思想(代序)》之考订,页4-5,及同书朱子《宋朱熹跋五峰诗》,《胡宏集》(北京.中华书局,1987年),页343-344.
  • 2朱子.《中和旧说序》,《朱文公文集》第七十五卷,页二十四.
  • 3陈来.《朱子书信编年考证》.
  • 4向世陵.《朱熹的一陛理”学及与他的理本论体系-从二程,胡宏到朱熹的“性善”与“性无善恶”之辨》.
  • 5陈代湘.朱熹与张栻的学术交往及相互影响[J].东南学术,2008(6):82-87. 被引量:5
  • 6沈善洪主编,吴光执行主编,《黄宗羲全集》,第四册《宋元学案》(一),《五峰学案》(杭州.浙江古籍出版社,1986年),页690.
  • 7吴仁华《胡宏的生平,著作及其思想(代序)》,《胡宏集》(北京.中华书局,1987年),页9.
  • 8《论程明道与胡五峰之致知说》一文则刊于《东海哲学研究集刊》第十五辑(2010年7月),页293-309.
  • 9《胡五峰哲学之圆教规模》,《当代儒学研究》第八期(2010年6月),页79-100.
  • 10《胡五峰<知言>一书结构之考订》一文.


  • 1朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,卷三十四《答吕伯恭》,第1499、1501、1503、1503页
  • 2朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,卷八十九《右文殿修撰张公神道碑》,第4544页.
  • 3朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,续集卷五《答罗参议》书二,第5237页.
  • 4朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,书四,第5238页.
  • 5朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,卷七十七《尽心堂记》,第4041页.
  • 6朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,卷二十四《与曹晋叔书》,第1027页.
  • 7朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,卷一百二十四,第2981-2982页.
  • 8朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,卷一百四,第2620页.
  • 9朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,《中和旧说序》.
  • 10朱熹.《朱熹集》,四川教育出版社,1996年版,卷四十《答何叔京》,第1841-1842页.












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