
渣油加氢装置运行中存在问题及措施 被引量:8

Operation problems of residue hydrotreating unit and countermeasures
摘要 对某炼油化工有限公司3.1 Mt/a高苛刻度渣油加氢装置工艺特点进行了介绍。分析了投产以来影响装置增加运行周期的径向温差大、分馏塔结盐严重和原料自动反冲洗过滤器冲洗频繁问题。指出反应器入口分配器"容垢"能力不足是径向温差大的主要原因;轻烃中Cl-和NH4+生成的NH4Cl析出结晶是导致分馏塔结盐的主要原因。针对这些问题分别采取了更换反应器入口分配器、采用蒸汽吹塔降低塔盘结盐对石脑油干点超标的影响、增上原料预过滤器等改造措施,并提出继续改进的思路和方法。采取措施后,装置脱硫率在80%左右,残炭脱除率在40%左右,金属脱除率在60%左右,催化剂效能得到最大限度的发挥。 The process features of the 3.1 MM TPY high-severity residue hydrotreating unit of a refining & chemical company are introduced. The problems of large radial temperature difference which affects the op-erating cycle of the unit, the serious salt deposition in fractionator and the frequent flushing of automatic back- washing filter after start-up are analyzed. It is pointed out that the insufficient fouling tolerance of reactor inletdistributor is tile culprit of large radial temperature difference. The crystallization of NH4C1 from C1- andNH4+ leads to salt deposition in fractionator. To solve these problems, the following measures have been taken: the reactor inlet distributor is replaced, the fractionator is flushed with steam to minimize the impact of salt deposition on tower tray on off-specifications of naphtha end point, and feed filter is installed. In addition, continuous improvements have been made. After taking these measures, sulfur removal rate is maintained at about 80%, the carbon residue removal rate is about 40%, the metal removal rate is about 60%, and the catalyst performances have been maximally utilized.
出处 《炼油技术与工程》 CAS 2013年第2期24-28,共5页 Petroleum Refinery Engineering
关键词 渣油加氢 结垢 结盐 床层径向温差 分析 措施 residual oil hydrotreating, fouling, salt deposition, bed radial temperature difference,analysis, measures
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