:8优 1 6 1 (82 0 4A×R1 6 1 )是一个高产优质兼顾的杂交晚粳组合。 1 991~ 1 993年参加上海市杂交晚粳区试和生产试验 ,3a平均比对照寒优 1 0 2 7增产 8.5 6 % ,大面积试种产量在 9.0 0t/hm2 以上 ,1 996年最高产量达 1 1 .5 0t/hm2 。其米质优良 ,主要指标达部颁优质米标准。突出优点为出米率高、穗大粒多、结实率高、灌浆速度快。82 0 4A不育性稳定 ,配合力强。R1 6 1恢复力强 。
You 161 or 8204A×R161, is a new late japonica hybrid rice with high yield and good quality. The yield of the new hybrid increased by an average of 8.56% over the check hybrid Hanyou 1027 in the Shanghai hybrid rice regional trials in 1991~1993. It yields generally 9.0 t/hm 2 on a large scale, and reached maximally 11.50 t/hm 2 in 1996. The remarkable advantages of the hybrid are high milling recovery and quick milking rate. The main quality characters of it are up to the high quality rice standards issued by the Chinese Ministry of Agriculture. In addition, the sterile line 8204A shows stable sterility and good specific combining ability and the restorer line R161 possesses strong restoring ability and good grain quality. The major technical points were also given in the paper for its cultivation and hybrid seed production.
Hybrid Rice
上海市科学技术发展基金!(92 391 30 6 3)