
株洲市大气污染动态研究 被引量:2

Study of the Air Pollution Dynamics in Zhuzhou City
摘要 根据株洲市 1986~ 1997年的大气污染监测资料 ,对市区空气污染动态进行了分析 .空气污染物质量浓度有明显的时空变化规律 :1在一天中 ,以早晨和上午污染最重 ,下午最轻 ;2在一年中 ,以冬、春两季污染物质量浓度最大 ,夏季最小 ;3 12年间 ,多数污染物的高质量浓度值出现在最近几年 ,且有逐年上升的趋势 ;4空气污染物的质量浓度分布依功能区而异 ,其中 SO2 ,TSP和降尘的高质量浓度值都出现在工业区 ,而 CO和 NOx 则均以交通密集区污染最重 .对污染负荷系数的计算表明 ,1980年代市区的主要空气污染物是降尘和 TSP;而 1990年代则为降尘和 SO2 ,属煤烟型污染 .为此 ,建议该市采取如下大气污染防治策略 :推行污染物总量控制 ;连片集中供热和加大工业烟气的脱硫、除尘力度 ;改变能源结构 ; Based on the monitoring of the results of atmospheric pollutants in Zhuzhou City from 1986 to 1997, the dynamics of the air pollution in this city was researched. There was a clear change of contents both in time and in space described as follows.First, for a whole day, the air was polluted most seriously in the morning and forenoon; however, lower concentrations of pollutants were observed in the afternoon. Second, for a whole year, the higher concentrations of contaminants were monitored in winter and spring; but the lower ones in summer. Third, during the past 12 years, annual average concentrations of most pollutants had been increasing year after year, especially in recent years. Fourth, for each pollutant, the concentration changed as the function of the areas studied changed.The highest value of SO 2 (sulfur dioxide), TSP (total suspended particles) and dustfall always appeared at the Industrial Area; but CO (carbon monoxide) and NO x (nitrogen oxides) at the Traffic Area. In addition, according to the Pollutant Load Coefficient of all pollutants, the main varieties of pollutants were dustfall and TSP in the 1980s; but in the 1990s, dustfall and SO 2 became the more serious pollutants. Therefore, the following methods would be necessary to improve the air quality of this city: to carry out total amount control of pollutants; to centralize heat supply in the industrial part and strengthen the flue gas desulfurization and dust-collection level; to change the present energy composition in Zhuzhou City and to prohibit some new factories discharging large amounts of pollutants to go into operation.
出处 《中南林学院学报》 CSCD 2000年第2期36-39,共4页 Journal of Central South Forestry University
基金 中国-挪威国际合作项目!"株洲环境工程项目"二级子课题的部分内容
关键词 大气污染动态 降尘 一氧化碳 氮氧化物 株洲市 air pollution SO 2(sulfur dioxide) dustfall CO (carbon monoxide) NO x (nitrogen oxides) TSP (total suspended particles) Zhuzhou City
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