
锡冶炼原料焙烧回转窑控制系统设计 被引量:1

Design of Control System of a Rotary Kiln Process for Tin Smelting
摘要 锡冶炼原料焙烧回转窑的工艺生产过程。提出仪表系统和相应控制策略的设计方法,并基于此方法在计算机集散控制系统上开发了锡冶炼原料焙烧回转窑控制系统软件,成功应用于某公司锡冶炼原料焙烧回转窑,实现了锡冶炼原料焙烧回转窑的稳定控制。该系统投运以来可靠性高,控制效果及时、准确。 Firstly the technical process of the rotary kiln production process for tin smelting is introduced. A method of design based on instrument system and control strategy is proposed. Finally the control software is developed and successfully applied to a real rotary kiln production process. The proposed control system is proven to be reliable, accurate and timely control performance.
作者 余明正 贾哲
出处 《中国仪器仪表》 2013年第2期40-42,共3页 China Instrumentation
关键词 回转窑 仪表系统 计算机集散控制系统锡冶炼 Rotary kiln Instrument system Distribute computer control system Tin smelting
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