
双语词汇记忆表征与翻译词汇转换心理模型 被引量:9

A Cognitive-psychological Study of Bilingual Lexicon and Its Switch in Translation
摘要 就翻译的最小单位而言,双语翻译可指两种不同语言词汇之间的匹配转换。这一过程势必涉及译者双语词汇的记忆表征和转换机制。基于这一假设,本文以激活扩散模型及其相关思想为理论雏形,重点探索译者的双语词汇记忆表征并依此构建出译者词语翻译转换的心理模型。 Translation can be thought, in a sense, as a switch of two different lexicons in translator. Such a switch is further assumed to be governed by the translator' s mental representation of bilingual lexicons in addition to other determinants. To test these assumptions, the authors of this paper draw on Spreading Activation Model and manage to come up with a representational model of bilingual lexicon, and a model of lexical switch in translator thereupon.
出处 《外国语》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期65-72,共8页 Journal of Foreign Languages
基金 国家社科基金项目"基于词义习得表征的翻译词汇转换心理模型研究"(08BYY071)的阶段性成果
关键词 双语词汇表征 词语翻译转换 心理模型 representation of bilingual lexicon lexical switch in translation psychological model
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