生长特性试验表明 ,小猪双歧杆菌最适生长 p H值为 6.5~ 8.0 ,最适生长温度为 3 8~ 4 2℃ ,低于 2 5℃或高于4 6℃均不生长。双歧杆菌培养至 2 4 h活菌数达到高峰 ,稳定期在 2 4~ 4 8h。大豆蛋白胨、酪蛋白水解物对该菌生长有明显促进作用。经连续传代、驯化后的菌株对光线、氧气均有一定的抵抗力。发酵葡萄糖生成醋酸和乳酸的比例为 ( 2 .8~3 .3 )∶ 1 ,终末代谢产物 p H值为 3 .8~ 4 .
The pH values and suitable temperature for optimal growth of Bifidobacterium choerinum were 6.5~8.0 and 38~40 ℃, respectively. There was no growth below 25 ℃ or above 46 ℃. Bifidobacteria reached stationary phase at 24 h and decline phase at 48 h. Soya peptone and caseinhydrolysat enhanced the growth of B. choerinum significantly. After continuous subcultivation and domestication, the bifidobacteria were resistant to oxygen and light. The molar ratio of acetate to lactate from the fermentation of glucose ranged from 2.8∶1 to 3.3∶1 and the pH value of end products was 3 8~4 2.