
深空大规模天线组阵布局设计 被引量:8

Design of the Layout of Large Scale Antenna Arrays for Deep Space Communication
摘要 针对深空测控通信背景下大规模组阵的天线布局优化问题,给出了优化目标(即单元波束内合成波束附近的旁瓣最小化)以及优化边界条件(包括天线数、天线口径、工作频段、最小间距和最大布局范围等),并在此基础上建立了优化模型,理论分析表明,布局优化后的归一化旁瓣峰值比布局随机化的归一化旁瓣峰值低lnN/N(N为天线数)。最后基于梯度优化算法给出具体的优化流程并进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,在给出的优化边界条件下,优化后的合成波束方向图旁瓣峰值降到约-10dB,与理论分析结果基本一致。 The objective (minimization of the maximum side lobe in the element beam pattern) and optimizing condi- tions (including number of antennas, antenna diameter, operational frequency band, minimum distance and the max- imum area) are given for optimized design of the layout of large scale antenna arrays for deep space communication. An optimization model is proposed. Theoretica~ analysis shows that the peak value of a normalized side lobe after layout optimization is lower than that of a randomized layout by In N/N (N is the number of antennas). Then, opti- mization procedures based on gradient search algorithm are given and simulation is performed. The simulation re- suits show that the maximum side lobe is reduced to about --10dB under the simulation conditions, and this is con- sistent with theoretical analysis.
作者 徐茂格
出处 《飞行器测控学报》 CSCD 2013年第1期7-10,共4页 Journal of Spacecraft TT&C Technology
关键词 深空 测控通信 大规模天线组阵 天线布局 梯度搜索 deep space Tracking, Telemetry and Command (TT&C) and communication large scale antenna ar-rays layout of antenna arrays gradient search
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