
兰安生与中国近代公共卫生 被引量:5

A study on John B. Grant’s beneficiation to public health of China
摘要 兰安生是世界著名公共卫生学家。他出生于中国,也开创其公共卫生事业于中国。他在北京协和医学院创建了中国最早的公共卫生学系,在北京建立了以第一卫生事务所为依托的城市社区医疗卫生服务,在河北定县指导其学生陈志潜建立了中国最早的农村基层医疗卫生体系,对我国公共卫生事业的发展起到了奠基作用,这些在中国取得的经验也为国际公共卫生学界所推崇。 John B. Grant was a world-known public health scientist. He was born in China, and created his public health projects in China. In Peking Union Medical College,he created the first department of public health. He established the first health demonstration to build urban community health service system in Beijing. In Ding County, Hebei province, he guided Chen Zhiqian to build China's first rural primary care health system. He played an important role in the development of public health undertakings in China,and his experiences in China also gained the respect of the world' s public health scholars.
作者 王勇
出处 《南京医科大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期13-17,共5页 Journal of Nanjing Medical University(Social Sciences)
关键词 兰安生 公共卫生 北京协和医学院 John B. Grant public health Peking Union Medical College
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