

National Science and technology development strategy of international comparison and its effect evaluation
摘要 对世界主要国家科技发展战略的情况进行了比较分析。科技投入的不同是每个国家科技发展战略差异主要反映,主要表现形式是科技投入的总量和结构的差异。研究结果表明,和其他发展中国家和发达的国家相比较,虽然我国的很多数据是和发展中国家的一些基本特点相符合,但我国在R&D经费投入结构的来源方面仍然存在很大的优化余地,但是不管是在相对指标还是在科技的投入总量上都还存在着显著的不足。 This paper uses a vector autoregressive models of each country science and technology to develop the strategy is analysed. Investment in science and technology are different for each country science and technology to develop the strategy a different main reflection, investment of science and technology in the total amount and structure of the difference is mainly in the form of. The results showed that, with other developing countries and developed countries compared, although many of our data and developing some basic characteristics of the match, hut in our country the sources of R&D investment structure is still great room for optimization, but it is in the phase of index or in science and technology investment still exists significant deficiency.
作者 张璐 周晓唯
出处 《科学管理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期1-4,共4页 Scientific Management Research
基金 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(2010ZYGX005) 教育部项目(06JA790069)
关键词 国家科技发展战略 R&D经费 经费投入结构 National Science and technology development strategy vector autoregressive model investment structure
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