First total synthesis of the proposed structures of β-indoloquinazoline alkaloids orisuaveolines A and B is re- ported. The key steps of the synthesis included a Pictet-Spengler reaction to build a six-member lactam which fur- ther transformed into target molecular by a one-pot condensation. This synthesis provided an access to the proposed structures of orisuaveolines A and B in a short and convenient manner from inexpensive, commercially available starting materials. The structures of our synthesized products were confirmed by 2D-NMR experiments.
First total synthesis of the proposed structures of β-indoloquinazoline alkaloids orisuaveolines A and B is re- ported. The key steps of the synthesis included a Pictet-Spengler reaction to build a six-member lactam which fur- ther transformed into target molecular by a one-pot condensation. This synthesis provided an access to the proposed structures of orisuaveolines A and B in a short and convenient manner from inexpensive, commercially available starting materials. The structures of our synthesized products were confirmed by 2D-NMR experiments.
Acknowledgement We are grateful to the financial support of the Na- tional Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 21072084, 21272099) and Fundamental Research Founds for the Central Universities (No. lzujbky-2010- 107). We also thank Prof. Quanxiang Wu of Lanzhou University for helpful discussions.