目的 调查招飞青年空腹血脂及脂肪餐后血浆甘油三酯代谢水平。 方法 应用餐后脂肪代谢试验测定受试者血浆乳糜浊度 (A)、甘油三酯 (TG)、高密度脂蛋白 (HDL- C)和总胆固醇(TC)水平。 结果 本组 10 2名招飞青年的调查数据以 x± s表示 ,血脂平均水平 TG(1.0 2± 0 .40 )mm ol/L、HDL- C(1.17± 0 .0 8) mm ol/L、TC(3.34± 0 .11) m mol/L,招飞青年绝大多数餐后 TG清除快、清除峰值低。但有 5 %的招飞青年富含甘油三酯脂蛋白清除异常。 结论 在飞行员选拔中应开展血脂测定 ,建立标准的方法 。
Objective To investigate the fasting plasma lipid levels and the postprandial metabolism of triglyceride in candidates of flying cadets. Methods One hundred and two healthy candidates served as subjects. Fasting plasma chylomicron absorbency (A), triglyceride (TG), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL C) and total cholesterol (TC) levels were measured. After taking a butter meal, plasma A, TG, HDL C and TC levels of the subjects were measured hourly for 8 h. Results The mean fasting levels of plasma lipids were TG (1.02±0.40) mmol/L, HDL C ( 1.17 ±0.08) mmol/L and TC (3.34±0.11) mmol/L. In most of the candidates the postprandial peak of TG was low, and the clearance of TG was quick, but delayed clearance of triglyceride rich lipoproteins was found in 5% of subjects. Conclusions Blood lipids measurement should be adopted for pilot selection. The screening methods and strategy should be investigated.
Chinese Journal of Aerospace Medicine
Pilot selection
Triglyceride rich lipoproteins
Lipometabolism test