
通用工业物联网网关的设计与评测 被引量:5

Design and Evaluation of General Industrial IoT Gateway
摘要 在完整的物联网应用系统中,网关设备是沟通前端传感器网络与后端服务平台的关键。鉴于建设公共工业物联网监控平台的需要,设计支持标准数据协议和传输通道的通用物联网网关十分必要。这里基于ARM9、cc2520收发器等构建硬件平台,设计并实现了面向通用工业用途的物联网网关软件,采用XML实现了不同传感器数据的统一化表示,采用HTTP方便了服务平台进一步实现并行接入,具有通用性高、灵活性强的优点。实测表明可较好满足实际工业应用需求。 In a complete IoT (internet of things) application system, gateway device is the key to communicating with front sensor network and back-end service platform. For the requirement by developing public IoT of monitoring platform, it is essential to design general IoT gateway in supporting standard data protocols and transmission channels. Based on hardware platforms like ARM9, cc2520 transceiver and etc, a loT gateway for general industrial use is designed and implemented. XML is adopted to achieve the unified presentation of different sensor data, while HTTP method employed to make it convenient for service platforms to further realize parallel access This system is of excellent adaptable ability. Experimental results indicate that this design could fairly meet the demand of actual industrial applications.
出处 《通信技术》 2013年第3期58-61,70,共5页 Communications Technology
基金 国家科技重大专项 新一代宽带无线移动通信网(No.2012ZX03005018) 国家自然科学基金(0800234085) 项目名称:无线自组织网络中时空相变行为的分析与预测(批准号:61004100)
关键词 物联网网关设计 公共监控平台 传感器网络 物联网应用系统 XML IoT gateway design public SCADA platform for IoT sensor network loT applicationsystem XML
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