Objective To analyze the characteristics and generality of nose diseases of 71 cases treated by dermatologic surgery. Meth- ods The neoplasma was removed and the tissue defect was restored according to the size, shape, location of nasal tumor and the sur- rounding skin conditions. Results of the 71 cases, there were 41 males and 30 females with mean age 46 years old. 45 cases were pig- mented nevi (63.38%) ,and 15 cases were basal cell carcinoma(21.13% ) ; the others were 7cases of epidermal cyst (9.86%) and 4 cases of seborrheic keratosis(5.63% ). The operative site included nasal side in 26 cases (36.62%), nasal ala in 21 cases (29. 58% ) , dorsum of nose in 19 cases (26.76%), nasal tip in 5 cases (7.04%). Cases of primary close occupied 64.79% , and cases applied complex close were 35.21%. Conclusion It was very important to repair the defects of nose by local flap, besides removing na- sal neoplasmas by primary surgery, which would achieve satisfactory function and aesthetic results.
Dermatology and Venereology