
女性流动人口生殖健康服务需求研究——基于杭州市2010年流动人口动态监测调查 被引量:17

Need for reproductive health services for female migrants——based on dynamics monitoring survey to floating population at Hangzhou in 2010
摘要 本文基于2010年杭州流动人口动态监测数据,对杭州市女性流动人口的生殖健康服务需求满足进行了实证分析。结果表明,女性避孕需求满足与其受教育程度具有显著相关性,在为外来育龄妇女提供避孕服务时,应更有针对性和差别性。而女性流动人口生殖健康服务需求呈现的两大趋势性增长特征,客观上要求政府能为流动人口提供更有效率的生殖健康服务。杭州市应从生育控制型管理尽快向生殖健康型服务转型,尽快建立起流动人口婚育期生殖健康公共服务体系,并从三个基本立足点出发逐步完善生殖健康服务,通过财政专项投入来加大对外来育龄妇女的健康干预,并将其视为杭州市人力资本投资的重要组成部分。不仅如此,政府在推进基本公共服务均衡化过程中,还应采取切实行动做好"农民工二代"的青春期生殖健康服务,通过吸引非政府组织、社区居民或城市邻里中心等参与流动人口生殖健康教育与咨询服务来大胆尝试创建流动人口的社会管理。 Based on the 2010 floating population dynamic monitoring data in Hangzhou, this paper makes an empirical a- nalysis to female migrants' reproductive health service needs. The result of the analysis shows that female contraceptive demand are in close accordance with their education level, which shows that there should be pertinence and difference when providing con- traceptive service. The reproductive health service presents two major trends. Objectively, they demand the government for more effective reproductive health services. The local government should transform its birth controlling administration to reproductive health services as soon as possible, so as to establish a reproductive health public service system for floating population who are in marriage and childbearing, and to improve the reproductive health services from three basic footholds step by step. Moreover, the increasing health intervention for fertile women through special financial spend should be regarded as an important part of human capital investment. Furthermore, the government should also take concrete actions to provide adolescent reproductive health serv- ices for the second generation of migrant women' s while promoting the basic public service equalization process. It should also focus on the migrants' reproductive health education and counseling services to a higher degree and boldly attempt to create the social management to floating population by attracting the participation of non - governmental organizations, community residents and City Neighborhood Center.
出处 《中国性科学》 2013年第3期84-90,共7页 Chinese Journal of Human Sexuality
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金项目(11BRK011)资 教育部人文社会科学青年项目(11YJC840040) 杭州师范大学"望道青年文科学者激励项目"(RWWD1106)资助
关键词 流动人口 外来育龄妇女 生殖健康 需求服务 Floating population Fertile woman Reproductive health Needs
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