

Growing model and numerical simulation of Al/Zr multilayers
摘要 在17~19nm波段,利用直流磁控溅射技术将Al(1%wtSi)/Zr多层膜镀制在掺氟的二氧化硅基底上,基于原子力显微镜对不同膜对数(N=10,40,60,80)表面粗糙度的测量结果,将多层膜的生长模型应用于实际结果中,对表面均方根粗糙度随着膜对数的变化进行了深入的分析,并对Stearns粗糙度动态生长理论的适用条件作了补充性讨论。 A1 (l%wtSi)/Zr multilayers were fabricated by DC sputtering techniques on doped fluoride glass substrates for 17- 19 nrn extreme ultraviolet radiation. The surface roughness of the multilayers with variable layer pairs (N= 10, 40, 60 and 80) were measured by an atomic force microscopy. Their reflectivities were measured and fitted based on multilayer growing method improved by Stearns. Experiment and analysis present that the interface roughness were variable with the growing of A1/Zr multilayers and coincide the Stearnsp method as N≤40.
出处 《光学仪器》 2013年第1期89-94,共6页 Optical Instruments
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(11075117)
关键词 多层膜 生长模型 功率谱密度 表面粗糙度 散射 multilayer growing model power spectrum density surface roughness scattering
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