为寻求一种简便、安全、有效的治疗黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离的方法 ,本组收治黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离 48例。经玻璃体内注气促使视网膜下积液迅速吸收 ,视网膜平伏。在此基础上 ,用氩激光封闭黄斑裂孔 ,所用激光参数为 :氩绿光 ,能量 1 0 0~ 1 5 0 m J,曝光时间 0 .1 s,光斑直径 5 0~ 1 0 0 μm,由于激光能量较小 ,对黄斑周围健康组织损伤轻微 ,保护了残存视力。结果显示 ,48例黄斑裂孔视网膜脱离全部复位或基本复位。 37例视力提高 ,1 1例视力保持不变。荧光造影证实 :未发现视网膜下新生血管。结果表明 ,本组治疗方法具有简便、安全。
To explore, simple, safe and effective way of treating retinal detachment due to macular break 48 cases of macular breaking retinal detachment were treated by laser with intravitreous air injection. Subretinal liquid was absorbed by intravitreous air injection and retinal readhered, then the macular break was seled off by laser. Laser parameters energy were 100~150 mJ, exposure time 0.1s and light spot diameter 50~100 μm. Because laser energy is slight there is no damage to macular. Remaining visual acuity was preserved. Results showed that 48 cases of macular breaking retinal detachment were readhered. Visual acuity of 37 cases were increased and visual acuity of 11 cases were preserved. Fluorescein angiography showed that no sulbretinal neovascularisation. The results indicate that this method is simple safe and effective.
New Medicine