
空温式翅片管气化器非稳态结霜速率分析 被引量:2

Analysis on unsteady frosting rate for air-heated finned-tube vaporizer
摘要 观测了某实际运营的空温式翅片管气化器附近湿空气流动状态。基于热力学理论和湿空气流动状态建立了空温式翅片管气化器表面非稳态结霜模型,推导了非稳态结霜速率的关系式,分析了不同工况下非稳态结霜速率影响因素。非稳态结霜速率随湿空气温度、相对湿度和气流速度增加而增加,其主要影响因素为湿空气温度和相对湿度,而气流速度影响相对较小。非稳态结霜速率分析为精确计算空温式翅片管气化器传热特性提供了一定理论依据。 The flow state of moist air near air - heated finned tuber vaporizer was observed at an actual operating liquid argon station. Based on thermodynamic theory and flow state of moist air, the surface frost model of air - heated finned - tube vaporizer was established. The calculation formulas of unsteady frosting rate were derived, and some influencing factors of unsteady frosting rate were analyzed. The result shows unsteady frosting rate is continuously increasing with temperature, relative humidity and gas velocity. The temperature and relative humidity of moist air are main factors affecting frost accumulation, while the effect of gas velocity is relatively small. The analysis on unsteady frosting rate will provide a theory basis for exactly calculating the heat trans- fer of air - heated finned - tube vaporizer in the engineering application.
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期1-4,共4页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(51076061)资助
关键词 空温式翅片管气化器 非稳态结霜速率 霜层厚度 霜层密度 Air- heated finned -tube vaporizer, Unsteady frosting rate, Frost thickness, Frost density
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