

Experimental research on the application of copper clad aluminum tube in air conditioner connecting pipe
摘要 主要针对铜铝复合管在家用空调器室内外机连接管的应用替代铜管进行了试验研究。从力学性能、弯曲性能、工艺性、耐压性和耐腐蚀能力几个方面分别对Φ6.35×0.6、Φ9.52×0.7和Φ12.7×0.8的三种型号铜铝复合管连接管进行性能试验。结果表明:三种型号的铜铝复合管连接管延伸率都大于40%,不低于铜管的延伸率,抗拉强度在150~180MPa之间具有良好的弯曲性能,扩口率在65~89%之间,不低于铜管的扩口率(≥50%)。三种规格的铜铝复合管安全承受压力均大于常用制冷剂R22和R410a所要求的耐压强度。经过500h的盐雾实验后,压力测试焊接点无泄漏。最大承受压力超过15MPa,满足空调室内外连接管的使用要求。同时将三种规格的铜铝复合管接入空调器在焓差实验室进行性能测试,表明:与原机型铜连接管相比,使用铜铝复合管连接管的空调器制热量、制冷量和能效比的变化低于1%,对空调器的性能基本没有影响。与铜管相比,在相同条件下,可以降低成本23~35%。 In this paper, the copper clad aluminum tube was investigated to replace copper tube as indoor and outdoor con- necting tube of air conditioner. The experimentations of mechanical property, processing property, bend, pressure and corrosion performances were carried out in three types of copper clad aluminum tube with Ф6.35 ×0.6, Ф9.52 ×0.7, Ф12.7 ×0.8. The experimental results show that the elongation percentages of three types of copper clad aluminum tube are above 40%, the strengths of extension are between 150 - 180MPa and the percentages of pipe - expanding are between 65- 89%. The safety re- sistant - pressures of three types of copper clad aluminum tube are higher than the required pressure of the refrigerants of R22 and R410a. After 500h of salt spray test, three types of copper clad aluminum tube are tested through nitrogen with 1MPa. The test result showed that the point of weld had no leakage, the maximum resistant- pressures were above 15MPa, which could meet re- quirement of indoor and outdoor connecting tube of air conditioner. In addition, The three types of copper clad aluminum tube were tested in the air conditioner in a enthalpy difference bench tester. Compared with original air conditioners, the variations of heat capacity, cooling capacity and the coefficient of performance of air conditioners with three types of copper clad aluminum tube are within 1%, which can meet the requirement of air conditioner. At the same conditions, the costs of the copper clad alu- minum tube can be reduced from 23% to 35% compared with copper tube.
出处 《低温与超导》 CAS 北大核心 2013年第3期87-92,共6页 Cryogenics and Superconductivity
基金 郑州市产学研合作促进计划(121PCXYZ599) 河南省教育厅科学技术重点研究项目(13A470361)资助
关键词 铜铝复合管 连接管 空调器 Copper clad aluminum tube (CCA), Connecting tube, Air conditioner
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