
大型透平机壳焊后热处理的残余应力数值模拟 被引量:5

Numerical simulation of residual stress before and after post-weld heat treatment in large turbine casing
摘要 采用热-粘弹塑性有限元模型,在考虑蠕变效应的基础上,对大型透平机壳进行焊后热处理数值模拟。结果表明,焊后机壳残余应力较高,部分节点超过材料的屈服强度;经过热处理后,机壳整体残余应力均低于材料的屈服强度。在300℃去应力退火,机壳残余应力降低幅度不大;当退火温度升到550℃时,机壳应力降低显著。 Based on the creep behavior with thermal viscoelastic-plasticity finite element method, a computation procedure is present for analyzing residual stress after pnst-weld heat treatment in large turbine casing. The results show that the residual stress is much larger and the residual stress of some residua lower nodes exceeds the yeild stress. In contrast, the residual stress decreses significantly after heat treatment and the than yield strength. At 300 ℃ stress relieving annealing, the residual stress decreases slightly. While increase annealing temperature to 550 % , the decrease of residual stress is remarkable.
出处 《金属热处理》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期121-123,共3页 Heat Treatment of Metals
基金 国家自然科学基金(51274162) 陕西省自然科学基金(2012JM6003) 西安市科技计划项目(CX1250②) 陕西重点学科建设经费资助
关键词 透平机壳 焊后热处理 数值模拟 turbine easing post-weld heat treatment numerical simulation
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