
列宁对马克思的继承与发展:关于列宁主义的再认识 被引量:4

Lenin's Inheritance and Development of Marxism: a New Reflection on Leninism
摘要 随着资本主义在世界范围萌发与扩散,落后的东方国家产生了对马克思主义的普遍需要。落后国家是不是必须经过资本主义阶段才能进行社会主义革命,是这些国家马克思主义者普遍感到困惑的问题。马克思晚年针对俄国民粹派的提问提出俄罗斯可以有条件地越过资本主义"卡夫丁峡谷",不仅对俄罗斯,而且对所有落后国家都有重要意义。列宁把马克思的思想创造性地运用于俄罗斯,在发达资本主义国家以外的广大地区掀起了波澜壮阔的社会主义运动,列宁主义由此诞生。俄罗斯的落后与东方色彩,资本主义早期阶段的野蛮和残酷,使得列宁选择了马克思关于社会主义道路的早期思想,强调阶级斗争、暴力革命以及无产阶级专政的重要。这是列宁对唯物辩证法的成功运用,至今都有现实意义。过去和现在都有人指责列宁和斯大林创建的社会主义苏联缺少民主,有悖马克思的社会主义理念。这反映了列宁的批评者自己在思想方法上缺少唯物辩证法的灵活性,从而陷入教条主义。 With the burgeoning and spread of capitalism throughout the world, there arose the prevalent need in backward Eastern countries for Marxism. Believers in this powerful revolution- ary theory in those countries were puzzled as to whether a socialist revolution is unthinkable in a backward country without its first going through the stage of capitalism. Karl Marx, in response to a question raised by Russian populists during his late years, made it clear that Russia could conditionally skip the capitalist "Kafdin Valley. " That was a proclamation meaningful to both Russia and all other backward countries the world over. Lenin creatively applied Marx's thought to his own country and launched a spectacular socialist movement in many areas outside of the capitalist world. Hence the birth of Leninism. The backwardness and Oriental hues of Russia, as well as early capitalism's brutality and cruelness, prompted Lenin to choose Marx's earlier per- ceptions about socialism, with their emphasis on class conflicts, violent revolution and proletarian dictatorship. This, I insist, exemplifies Lenin's ingenious application of materialist dialectics and can still help our effort today. Many have accused the socialist U. S. S. R. , founded and built by Lenin and Stalin, of lacking democracy and thus betraying Marx's early ideas about socialism. Such individuals themselves lack the flexibility of materialist dialectics and are victims of dogmatic thinking methodology.
作者 安启念
出处 《教学与研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期23-33,共11页 Teaching and Research
关键词 马克思 列宁主义 俄国民粹派 “卡夫丁峡谷” Karl Marx Leninism Russian populism "Kafdin Valley"
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  • 3列宁专题文集·论社会主义[M].北京:人民出版社,2009:372;365;372;372;372-373;373;374-375.
  • 4马克思恩格斯选集[M].第1卷,北京:人民出版社.1995.
  • 5毛泽东书信选集[M].北京:人民出版社,1983
  • 6马克思恩格斯选集[M]第2卷.北京:人民出版社,1995年.
  • 7马克思恩格斯选集[M].第4卷.北京:人民出版社,1995.
  • 8马克思恩格斯全集[M].第1卷.北京:人民出版,1956.
  • 9马克思恩格斯全集[M]第3卷.北京:人民出版社,2002.
  • 10.马克思恩格斯选集[M]第3卷[M].北京:人民出版社,1995年版.第365页.










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