目的 :了解性病在HIV感染流行中所起的作用。方法 :对1996年~1998年HIV感染者的流行病学调查资料及性病门诊HIV感染监测资料进行分析。结果 :性病在HIV感染危险因素历年平均构成中以18 35 %仅次于静脉吸毒居第二位 ,性病所占比例呈逐年上升趋势 ,性病病人有13 63 %的HIV感染率 ,其中以生殖器溃疡、非淋菌性尿道炎、淋病、软下疳的HIV感染率高 ,分别为25 00 %、21 70 %、14 41 %、11 11 %。结论 :加强性病与艾滋病防治工作的结合 。
Objective: To explore the epidemiological role of venereal disease exposure in HIV infection. Methods: To analyze the survey epidemiological materials of the patients infected with HIV and the monitoring materials of HIV infection in venereal clinic. Results: Venereal diseases with mean constitution ratio of 18.3% are the second danger factor which just inferior to drug addict by vein and there is a tendency of increasing every year. There are 13.63% venereal patients infected with HIV, among which genital ulcer (25%), non-gonococcal urethritis (21.70%), gonorrhea (14.41%), chancroid (11.11%) had higher rates of HIV infection. Conclusion: To improve the integrating prevention of venereal disease and AIDS is the primary prevention of AIDS.
Journal of Dali Medical College