目的:研究肝脏海绵状血管瘤 MRI动态增强表现。材料与方法:107例患者行 MRI平扫及 FL 2D或 SE序列动态增强扫描,分析其中的119个血管瘤的动态增强表现。结果:41个血管瘤在增强早期(团注造影剂后1min内)表现为均一高信号增强, 78个血管瘤表现为边缘结节状增强并逐渐向中间充填增强。 SE序列扫描 1.2%( 1/84)的病灶延迟期呈等信号充填增强,FL 2D扫描11.5%(4/35)的病灶延迟期呈等信号充填增强,余病灶均表现为高信号充填增强。结论:肝血管瘤可归纳为两种增强类型:快速充填型和边缘结节增强充填型。少部分血管瘤 FL 2D序列扫描时病灶可呈等信号充填增强。
Purose: To investigate the appearance of hepatic hemangioma on dynamic gadolinium-enhanced MRI. Material and Methods: 107 patients underwent dynamic enhanced MRI, and MRI appearance of 119 hemangiomas were analysed. Results: 4lhemangiomas showed complete homogeneous hyperintense on early and delayed phase enhanced MRI, while 78 hemangiomas displaying a nodular peripheral enhancement with centripetal filling in 1.2% (1/84 ) lesions showed isointense on delayed phase enhanced SE MR sequences, while 11. 5 % (4/ 35)lesions showing isointense on delayed phase enhanced FL2D MR sequences. Conclusion: Hepatic hemangioma can be classified into two dynamic enhanced patterns: rapid homogeneous hyperintense enhancement and nodular peripheral enhancement with centripetal filling in. A few lesions showed isointensity signal peripheral enhancement with centripetal filling in on FL2D sequences.
Chinese Journal of Medical Imaging