
低硫燃油和低载荷工况船舶发动机油研究 被引量:3

Research on Marine Diesel Engine Oil Used in Low Sulfur Fuels and Low Load Working Conditions
摘要 分析使用低硫燃油船舶发动机在低载荷工况下的摩擦特征,表明使用低硫燃料可加剧"缸套-活塞环"部位的磨粒磨损,而在低载荷工况下操作易引发发动机腐蚀磨损。根据使用低硫燃油船舶发动机在低载荷工况下对润滑油性能的要求,通过对船用油配方的调整,开发出一种抗磨性能更强的船舶发动机油。抗磨性能评价结果显示,该发动机油具有良好的抗机械磨损及抗腐蚀磨损能力,能够在实际操作中延长发动机部件使用寿命。 The friction characteristics of marine engine using the low sulfur fuel and operating in low load conditions were analyzed. The results indicate that low sulfur fuel will increase the abrasion wear of cylinder liner and piston rings assemble, and low load operation will cause the corrosive wear. According to the demands of low sulfur fuel and low load operation on the properties of marine engine oils, a novel formula of marine engine oil with higher anti-wear performances was developed. "The evaluation results show that this marine wear and corrosive wear), which can prolong the life of the engine oil has better anti-wear performances (e. g. abrasive engine parts in the actual operation.
出处 《润滑与密封》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期97-101,共5页 Lubrication Engineering
关键词 船用油 船舶发动机 机械磨损 腐蚀磨损 STRIBECK曲线 marine lubricants marine engine mechanical wear corrosive wear Stribeck curve
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