1Heinaman, Robert, "Eudaimonia and Self-- sufficiency in the Nicomachean Ethics". Phronesis 33 (1988) :pp. 33.
2Hardie, W. F. R. , The Final Good in Aristotle's Eth- ics, The Journal of The Royal Institute of Philosophy, Vol. XL. No. 154 (Jan. 1965. 8): pp. 287--293.
3Ackrill, J. L. , "Aristotle on Eudaimonia", Essays on Aristotle's Ethics, ed. by Amelie O. Rorty, London: University of California, (1980), pp. 18--19.
4Broadie, Sarah, Ethics with Aristotle, New York: Ox- ford University Press 1993,pp. 406--407.
5Nagel, Thomas, "Aristotle on Eudaimonia", Essays on Aristotle-sEthics, ed. by Am-lie O. Rorty, London: University of California (1980), p. 12.
6Kenny, Anthony, Aristotle on The Perfect Life, New York: Oxford University Press. 1992,pp. 89-90.
7Rorty, Am61ie O. , "The Place of Contemplation in Ar- istotle's Nicomachean Ethics", Essays on Aristotle ' s Ethics, ed. by Amelie O. Rorty, London: University of California. 1980, p. 377.
8Hardie, W. F. R. , Aristotle on the Best Life for a Man, Philosophy, Vol. 54, No. 207 (Jan., 1979): p. 40.
2Rorty,Amelie O.,"The Place of Contemplation in Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics",Essays on Aristotle's Ethics,ed.by Amelie O.Rorty, London:University of Cali- fornia.1980,p377.
3Broadie,Sarah,Ethics with Aristotle,New York:Oxford University Press,1993,pp406-407.