
亚急性1,2-二氯乙烷中毒性脑水肿实验动物模型的建立 被引量:3

Establishment of animal model of brain edema induced by subacute 1,2-dichloroethane poisoning
摘要 目的建立小鼠亚急性1,2-二氯乙烷(1,2-DCE)中毒性脑水肿实验动物模型,探索较为合适的染毒剂量及染毒时间。方法将昆明种小鼠随机分为4组:对照组及1.0、1.1和1.2mg/L 1,2-DCE染毒组。采用静式吸入方式染毒,每天染毒4h,各组染毒天数根据半数以上小鼠在染毒过程中出现明显中毒症状或死亡而确定。末次染毒结束后次日处死小鼠,快速取脑组织,分别测定脑含水量、脑脏器系数及HE染色观察脑组织病理改变。结果各组小鼠的实际染毒天数:1.0mg/L组染毒4d,1.1mg/L组染毒3d,1.2mg/L组染毒2d。各染毒组小鼠在染毒结束时,其脑含水量及脏器系数均高于对照组,根据脑组织病理观察结果判定,1.0mg/L组染毒4d、1.1mg/L组染毒3d及1.2mg/L组染毒2d的小鼠脑水肿模型成功率分别为30%、40%和60%。结论该实验成功建立了亚急性1,2-DCE中毒性脑水肿实验动物模型,1.2mg/L 1,2-DCE每天染毒4h、连续染毒2d所建立的中毒性脑水肿模型的成功率最高。 Objective To build the brain edema model of mice induced by sub- acute 1, 2-dichloroethane(1, 2-- DCE) poisoning through inhaling. Methods Mice were randomly divided into 4 groups, i. e. the control group and three exposed groups. The concentrations of 1, 2--DCE in the exposed groups were designed to be 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 mg/L. Mice were exposed to 1, 2 -- DCE by consecutive static inhalation for 4 hours per day. How many days would be exposed depended on their symptoms and death rates. After exposure finished, mice were sacrificed, and their brain tissues quickly excised. Water contents of the brain tissue were measured by wet--dry method. Calculate organ coefficient of brain. HE stain was used to observe the morphology of brain tissue. Results The exposure periods were: 1.0 mg/L, 4 days; 1.1 rag/L, 3 days; and 1.2mg/L, 2 days. Both the water content and organ coefficient of brain in all exposed groups were higher than those in the control group. According to pathological observations of the brain, the incidences of brain edema in mice in each group were determined, i. e. 30% in 1.0 mg/L group, 40M in 1.1 mg/L group and 60% in 1.2 mg/L group. Conclusions The experimental results show that animal model of brain edema could he successfully established hy sub--acute poisoning of 1, 2--DCE. When the mice were exposed to 1.2 mg/L 1, 2--DCE for 4 hours a day for 2 days, the establishment of brain edema was the most successful.
出处 《工业卫生与职业病》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第2期70-73,共4页 Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(No.81172644)
关键词 1 2-DCE中毒 中毒性脑水肿 小鼠 1, 2--dichloroethane poisoning Intoxicated brain edema Mice
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