
对121例冠心病术后患者中医证候的分析 被引量:1

Analysis of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM) Symptons and Characteristics in 121 Cases of Coronary Heart Patients after Operation
摘要 目的:探讨冠心病术后患者中医症状特点及证型规律。方法:采用临床流行病学的方法,记录121例冠心病手术后患者的症状、体征等临床资料,并与53例同龄健康人群做对比。结果:与健康人群比较,冠心病术后患者男性比女性多,血糖控制良好的人数较少,出现频率较高的症状依次是:体倦乏力,肢体重着,口干、喜欢多喝水,胸闷或痛,喜欢吃热的东西;其证候分为5型:气虚、气阴两虚、阳虚、阴虚、阴阳两虚,其中阳虚型最多占39.7%,其次是阴虚型占24.0%。结论:通过本次调研发现,血糖控制达标对冠心病术后有重要意义。冠心病术后中医证候以阳虚型为主,其次是阴虚型。所以在治疗上当以温阳益气为主,兼以滋阴益肾。 Objective :This analysis is to study TCM symptoms and characteristics and their distribution among the coronary heart patients ofter operation. Methods : Clinical epidemiology, with the help of symptoms, signs and other clinical data recorded in 121 cases of coronary heart patients after surgery ,was applied. Besides ,53 healthy people of the same age as control group, multi- variate analysis of clinical data was made. Results : Compared with healthy people, there were more men than women in coronary heart sufferers after surgery and these patients tended to have poor blood sugar control. A higher frequency of symptoms was as fol- lows : fatigue, limb lifting weighs, thirsty, chest tightness or pain,like hot food. The syndromes of coronary heart patients after sur- gery fell into five types : ( 1 ) Qi deficiency ; ( 2 ) Qi and Yin deficiency ; ( 3 ) Yang deficiency; ( 4 ) Yin deficiency ; ( 5 ) Yin and Yang deficiency. Among the five types, Yang deficiency was the most common, accounting for 39.7%, followed by Yin deficiency type at 24.0%. Conclusion:The research indicates that it is important for post operative coronary heart patients to control blood sugar. TCM syndromes of coronary heart disease after surgery can be divided into five types, Yang deficiency type first, followed by Yin deficiency type. So,in the treatment, the TCM strategies of warming yang and supplementing Qi and nourishing kidney yin are most important.
出处 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2013年第3期393-395,共3页 Liaoning Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 上海市长宁区卫生系统"星云计划"培养人才调研课题
关键词 冠心病术后 中医证候 血糖 阳虚 阴虚 coronary heart patients after operation TCM symptoms and characteristics blood sugar Yang deficiency Yin de-ficiency
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