70年代初 DNA体外重组技术—基因工程技术的出现 ,将传统的生物学技术引向了高技术之路。分子生物学从而在广度、深度两个方面高速、蓬勃发展 ;至 90年代末 ,多利克隆羊的诞生 ,更是将基因工程技术推向了一个颠峰。基因工程是 2 0世纪科学技术最具革命性的成就之一 ,可以说它从分子水平上深刻地揭示出生命的本质和运动规律 ,也前所未有地提供了人类认识自我、保护自我的新手段。
The appearance of gene engineering in 1970's led traditional biological techniques to a scientific freeway. Molecular biology is proceeding rapidly and vigorously in all aspects; new and exciting landmarks are instituted one after another with the birth of Dolly sheep. Gene engineering can be undoubtedly called one of the most brilliant revolutions in 20th century scientific field, which not only help us to reveal the nature and laws of life, but also enable us to explore and protect ourselves unprecedently.
Medicine and Society