
级联码中的高码率短码长SLT码设计 被引量:1

Design of short length system Luby transform code of high rate in concatenated scheme
摘要 将SLT(system Luby transform)码,尤其是高码率短码长的SLT码与低密度校验(low density pari-ty check,LDPC)码等信道纠错码级联,可以通过增加少量的译码开销来有效地提高译码增益。然而,基于传统的设计方法得到的编码包度数分布难以保证在这种情况下得到性能良好的码字。结合级联译码的场景,在传统的优化方法基础上,增加了对编码包度数分布的优化,同时改进了具体的构造方法,从而给出了一种高码率短码长的SLT码的设计方法。仿真结果显示,新方法设计的码字能够取得良好的性能。 The performance of error control coding (e. g., low density parity check codes) can be improved by the concatenating system Luby transform (SLT) code of high rate and short length as outer codes. However, the traditional constructive method is only designed to the constructed SLT code of a middle or low rate. To solve the problem, a novel constructive method is given by optimizing the degree distribution of the parity packets as well as the message packets. The constructive process is also improved to achieve a better performance. Simulation results show that SLT codes constructed by the new method perform well as the outer codes.
出处 《系统工程与电子技术》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期634-637,共4页 Systems Engineering and Electronics
基金 国家自然科学基金(61101087)资助课题
关键词 系统喷泉码 SLT码 置信度传播译码 system fountain code system Luby transform (SLT) code belief propagation decoding
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