目的 :研究放射治疗所用的放射计量对大鼠外科手术伤口愈合的影响。方法 :在SD系大白鼠右后肢切成 1cm长 ,0 .5cm深 ,并缝合 1针的伤口。用6 0 Co射线 ,每次 2 5 0cGy ,连续 8次共 2 0 0 0cGy照射伤口。结果 :观察第 3天、5天、8天的大体伤口愈合情况 ,两组之间没有差别。镜下观 :第 3天时表皮已接合 ,炎性细胞浸润 ,肉芽组织开始形成 ;第 5天仍有炎症反应 ,出现巨噬细胞 ,中断肌束处由肉芽组织替代 ;第 8天表面接合良好 ,仍有炎症反应 ,肉芽组织纤维成分增多 ,周围肌肉有萎缩。实验组同对照组相比没有明显差别。结论 :放射治疗所用的计量分割方式对手术后伤口的愈合不产生明显影响 ,推测患者在施行手术后可立即行术后放疗。
Objective The effect of radio-quantity to the healing of the wound of rat was investigated in this paper.Method A 1cm long and 0.5cm deep wound was cut in the leg of SD rat,and was sewed with one stitch.The wounds were radiated with 250cGy 60 Co ray for eight times,the toatal quantity 2000 cGy.Results The healing of the wound was observed in the third,fifth and eighth days.There was no difference between the radiated and non-radiated groups.Histologically:The cut epithelium was contacted in the third day,with inflammatory cell infiltration and granuloma primary formation.In fifth day,the inflammtion remained and macrophages emerged,the detached muscle bunch was connected with granuloma.In the eighth day,the surface healed completely and the inflammation remained.The fibroid component increased within the granuloma with the surrounding muscle atrophy.No significant histological difference was showed between experiment group and control group.Conclusion The quantity and measure applied in the radiotherapy should not interfere in the wound healing signficantly,which means that the patients can accept radiotherapy immediately after operation.\;
Journal of Henan Medical College For Staff and Workers