
月球地形地貌对各种月面探测技术的影响 被引量:2

Effect of Topography and Geomorphology on Lunar Exploration
摘要 月球的地形地貌一直以来都是备受关注的重要内容,它对光学成像、热红外、微波辐射等遥感探测以及月面探测活动具有重要的影响。与地球不同,月球上没有大气、海洋,也未发现生命迹象,对月球的探测直接面对着高低起伏变化的月球表面。而且,特殊的地形地貌,在矿物组成、含量方面也表现出显著的差异。本文介绍了光学成像、热红外遥感以及微波辐射遥感等月面探测技术的原理,通过分析其主要影响机理,认为月球地形地貌对各种月面探测技术的影响主要体现在不同地貌的岩石类型和组成差异影响、地形起伏和热环境差异影响以及崎岖月面安全威胁三个方面,这也是今后研究的重要发展方向。 As an important content in lunar science, topography and geomorphology have obvious effect on lunar orbital exploration and manned or unmanned rover surveying, such as optical imaging, thermal infrared remote sensing, passive microwave remote sensing, and all kind of lunar surface activities. Unlike the Earth, there is no air, water or life on the Moon. So, most of the lunar explorations must face straightly to or acted directly on the lunar surface. Moreover there are significant difference of mineral composition and content in special landform. This paper introduces the detection technology principle of optical imaging, thermal infrared remote sensing, passive microwave remote sensing and so on. Effect of lunar surface topography and geomorphology on all kinds of detections mainly comes from the difference of rock type and composition at different regions, the change of lunar topography, the difference of lunar thermal environment and prospective security threats from rough lunar surface. The feedback mechanism and detail characters of lunar topography might entail further study.
出处 《矿物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2013年第1期68-74,共7页 Acta Mineralogica Sinica
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:40803019 40873055 40904051) 探月工程(批准号:TY3Q20110029) 国家863计划项目(批准号:2010AA 122204)
关键词 月球 地形地貌 探测活动 Moon topography geomorphology lunar exploration
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