回顾性收集60例中国肾移植患者常规监测的西罗莫司(1)稳态谷浓度(c0)及病理生理数据,检测患者CYP3A5*3基因型,采用非线性混合模型(NONMEM)软件建立中国肾移植患者服用1后的群体药动学(PPK)模型,并定量研究包括年龄、性别、体重、肝肾功能、CYP3A5*3基因型等因素对于PPK参数的影响。最终模型采用Bootstrap法验证。共回顾性收集患者移植后不同阶段的1血药浓度数据486个,平均c0浓度为(7.1±3.4)ng/ml。60位患者中包括3、22、35位CYP3A5*1/*1、*1/*3及*3/*3基因型。结果表明中国肾移植患者中1药动学符合一室模型,清除率(CL/F)为(13.1±0.78)L/h;分布容积(Vd/F)为(755±38.2)L;吸收速率常数(Ka)为2.20 h-1。体重、总胆红素(TBIL)和CYP3A5基因型对1的清除率均影响显著(P<0.01)。
The steady state trough concentration (co) of sirolimus (1) and pathophysiological data of 60 Chinese renal transplantation patients were enrolled retrospectively. The CYP3A5*3 genotype of each patient was determined. The nonlinear mixed effect model (NONMEM) software was adopted to establish the population pharmacokinetic (PPK) model for 1 in Chinese renal transplantation patients. The influences of age, gender, body weight, renal and liver function and CYP3A5*3 genotype on PPK parameters were quantitatively investigated. Bootstrap method was used for the validation of final model. Total 486 co data of 1 were obtained from 60 patients with different stages. The average value of Co was (7.1±3.4)ng/ml. There were 3, 22 and 35 patients with CYP3A5 * 1/* 1, * 1/*3 and *3/*3 genotype. The results showed that a one-compartment model was the most suitable model for Chinese renal transplantation patients. The clearance (CL/F), volume of distribution (Vd/F) and absorption rate constant (Ks) were (13.1±0.78)L/h, (755± 38.2) L and 2.20 h-1, respectively. The body weight, total bilirubin (TBIL) and CYP3A5*3 genotype were found to have significant influences on clearance of 1 (P〈0.01).
Chinese Journal of Pharmaceuticals
上海市卢湾区科委科研项目(LKW 1108)