
句子加工中核心名词动物性效应及其认知机制 被引量:5

The Animacy Effect of Nouns and Its Cognitive Mechanism in Sentence Processing
摘要 动物性核心名词在语言认知中有着重要的作用。基于句子产生和句子理解两方面的研究表明,句式选择、语态运用、词序排列、论元建构、格标记使用及从句加工等诸多方面都显著的受到句中核心名词动物性的影响。就该效应的来源及其作用机制,生命性名词表征特异性理论、词汇概念通达可及性层级理论、动物性名词句法突出性特征理论、基于频率分布的语言经验理论从不同的方面进行了分析。最后,就名词动物性效应的存在本质、作用机理以及文化和语境的影响等方面展开了评价和展望。 Animacy effect is a common phenomenon in language comprehension, which mainly refers to that aniamcy nouns play an important role in syntactic and semantic processing, such as sentence choice, voice using, word order construction, argument and relative clauses processing. In the present paper, we mainly discussed three aspects of animacy effect of nouns. First, an extensive and systematic analysis about animacy effect from sentence production and comprehension was made. Second, different models of animacy effect were discussed, which included the specific representation of animacy nouns theory, the accessibility hierarchy of lexical concept theory, the syntactic salience of animacy nouns account and the experience-based language distribution theory. Finally, some reviews were made about the beings, mechanism of animacy effect, as well as the influence from culture and context on animacy effect, then some suggestions about the future direction of this issue were pointed out.
出处 《心理科学进展》 CSSCI CSCD 北大核心 2013年第3期437-447,共11页 Advances in Psychological Science
基金 国家社科基金(11BYY039) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项基金 应用实验心理北京市重点实验室资助
关键词 动物性效应 语言认知 句子产生 句子理解 animacy effect language cognition sentence production sentence comprehension
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