
外资所有权与工资升水——来自中国制造业的证据 被引量:9

Foreign Ownership and Wage Premium:Evidence from Chinese Manufacturing Industries
摘要 很多研究发现外商投资企业比内资企业对同等情况下的工人所付工资要高,本文利用中国省际制造业分大类数据对此进行了实证研究,研究的结果表明,在控制了各种对工资影响因素(产业、地区、企业、工人素质)后,外资所有权工资升水显著存在,大约为10%。同时还对平均薪酬进行了研究,外资所有权薪酬升水大约为7%。此外,本文还得出了其他一些有意义的结论。 An overwhelming majority of studies find that Foreign-owned firms pay higher wages,to equivalent workers,than their domestic-owned counterparts.But few paper pays attention to this topic in China.Does it happen in China? The paper contributes to the literature on foreign ownership and wage premium by examining wage differentials between domestic and foreign firms in China.Using the data of manufacturing industries form different provinces,municipalities and autonomous regions,the paper finds that the Foreign-owned firm premium on average wage falls substantially when industry,location,firm and worker controls are added but is still large and significantly positive at about 10%.As for the average benefit,it is about 7%.It also has some other conclusions.
出处 《世界经济研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第3期59-65,89,共7页 World Economy Studies
基金 南开大学基本科研业务费专项资金项目"国际垂直专业化 FDI与劳动力配置"(NKZXB10112)的阶段成果
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