his paper reviews what has been written specifically about activism within ecocriticism and shows firstly how ecocritical theory conceptualizes a form of ideological critique that is alive both to historicist and presentist concerns (which is important for praxis); secondly, how if, as Richard Kerridge so eloquently puts it, the present crises we face are "the preoccupation that is the starting-point" of what we do as ecocritics, then there are specific ways that praxis translates from page to world, that there are specific things praxis does/could mean (ranging from matters of food and its meshy inter-relations, to matters of gender and environment, to matters of race, of sexuality, of class, and so on---each an archeology that ecocriticism uncovers, each an archeology of dynamic inter-connections); and thirdly how both the na'fve preference for reviving the claims of realism and the traditional contempt for theory that have each characterized ecocriticism are enormously counter-productive for ecocritical activism. The broad goal of this article is to look at the promise of the spate of films and best-selling books on climate change and environmental crisis that have appeared over the past has been and is being betrayed and clouded--and at the smoke away. several years and how and why that promise what we can do about it, how we can blow
Foreign Literature Studies