
全球问题与本土理论:超越特殊性和生态例外论,将生态批评付诸行动(英文) 被引量:1

Global Problems,Local Theory:Moving beyond Particularity and Eco-exceptionalism to Action in Ecocriticism
摘要 本论文回顾了生态批评范畴内有关行动主义的文章的具体内容,并揭示了一下三个问题:首先是一个历史学家和当下的批评者所关心的问题,即生态批评理论如何使意识形态批评的形式概念化;其次是我们目前所面临的危机如何成为理查德·凯里奇所说的我们作为生态批评者付诸行动的"当务之急"和"起点",我们要如何通过一些具体的方法从书面知识转化为实践行为,去实践确实意味着也能够蕴含某些具体的东西(从食物及其网状的内在关系,到性别和环境,到种族、性、阶级及其它——每一种都是生态批评所揭示的考古学,都是关于内在联系的动态的考古学);第三,曾经作为生态批评特征的对现实主义主张复兴的天真偏好以及对理论的一贯鄙夷,如何对生态批评的行动主义产生巨大的反作用。本论文的主要目标是讨论过去几年内的大量电影和畅销书有关气候变化和环境危机所做的承诺及其如何并且为何被背叛、被掩盖,讨论我们能为此做些什么,如何吹散这雾霾。 his paper reviews what has been written specifically about activism within ecocriticism and shows firstly how ecocritical theory conceptualizes a form of ideological critique that is alive both to historicist and presentist concerns (which is important for praxis); secondly, how if, as Richard Kerridge so eloquently puts it, the present crises we face are "the preoccupation that is the starting-point" of what we do as ecocritics, then there are specific ways that praxis translates from page to world, that there are specific things praxis does/could mean (ranging from matters of food and its meshy inter-relations, to matters of gender and environment, to matters of race, of sexuality, of class, and so on---each an archeology that ecocriticism uncovers, each an archeology of dynamic inter-connections); and thirdly how both the na'fve preference for reviving the claims of realism and the traditional contempt for theory that have each characterized ecocriticism are enormously counter-productive for ecocritical activism. The broad goal of this article is to look at the promise of the spate of films and best-selling books on climate change and environmental crisis that have appeared over the past has been and is being betrayed and clouded--and at the smoke away. several years and how and why that promise what we can do about it, how we can blow
机构地区 韩国成均馆大学
出处 《外国文学研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第1期1-12,共12页 Foreign Literature Studies
关键词 生态批评 行动主义 生态恐惧症 启示论 ecocriticism activism ecophobia apocalypticism
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